Monday, October 15, 2007

You are a Programmer IF...

1- You have more than a document file on your desktop called "To Do".
2- You start counting from zero.
3- You can find some code in a folder on ur PC & you wonder when & how you made this code.
4- You may stay awake a whole night trying to fix a bug, then when u go asleep, you dream of the solution.
5- You don't like most of the softwares in the market.
6- You forget to eat or sleep cause you were too busy writing some piece of code.
7- You stress the words IF, THEN & ELSE while speaking.
8- You always search for the undo button (ctrl+z) when u mistake in doing any handwritten stuff.
9- Most of your speech is not understood except by your colleagues in college or work.
10-You find yourself writing a semi-colon at the end of any sentence instead of a full stop;
11-You estimate lengths better in pixels than in meters & centimeters.
12-You use the eye-drops as frequent as you use the toothpaste.
13-The First words you write when trying sth new are "Hello World".
14-You never used that device that looks like a computer screen & called "TV".
15-You - every now & then - wake up with the keyboard imprinted on your face.
16- You have a volatile Memory like RAM.
17- You write C++,C# or Java better than u write your own language.
18- You don't think wearing sports shoes with a suit is strange.
19- You remember all your passwords, but fail to remember you own birth date.
20- The word 'Engine' reminds you of games more than of cars.
21- Anytime you see a penguin, you think of Linux.
22- You have a LAN in your room.
23- You're the highest-paid yet the worst-dressed person in the office.
24- You follow the instructions only if everything else fails.
25- You use F1 instead of SOS.

Source: JetBrain blog (a blog by Roaa Mohammed, an MSP at Ain Shams university)